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Fiction Essay - 1407 Words

English 102 B43– Literature and Composition Spring 2014 Term A Jessica Jack, Student ID#25840627 APA Format Compare and Contrast Short Story Fiction Essay Jessica Jack Liberty University English 102-B43 Outline for Compare and Contrast Essay Thesis: â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner† by D.H. Lawrence and â€Å"The Lottery†, by Shirley Jackson provide two contrasting uses of Setting in a short story which accentuate the importance of the element in a story. One author has the ability to distract the reader, while the other author creates the structure of the story. 1. Introduction a. A brief summary of the â€Å"The Lottery†, by Shirley Jackson b. A brief summary of the â€Å" The Rocking-Horse Winner’, by D.H. Lawrence 2.†¦show more content†¦b. On the other hand, D.H. Lawrence uses the setting to vividly draw in the audience. Allowing the audience to partake in the story. c. Reinstate the Thesis Statement. Through the compare and contrast of these short stories, we witness the importance of the functioning use of a setting. The setting in any story creates an atmosphere where the audience can be drawn in. An author may choose to use the setting of a story to allow the audience a detailed visual or the setting may be used to distract the reader. Setting is a very important aspect in any story and that is very true in the two short stories that are about to be shared. â€Å"The Lottery†, by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner†, by D.H. Lawrence provide two contrasting uses of Setting in a short story which accentuate the importance of the element in a story. One author has the ability to distract the reader, while the other author creates the structure of the story. â€Å"The Lottery† is a short story about an event that takes place annually in a small town in New England; it is not a lottery for money but that of death. In short, it is a lottery for stoning a member of the town. The people of the town gather at a designated area and perform a customary gesture that ha s seemed to be going on for years. The people of the town are almost joyful, and have a blissful attitude while they sort through the process, and once a member is identified,Show MoreRelatedFiction Essay657 Words   |  3 PagesBrooklynn Stilwell Dr. Redfield English 112- 20 November 2014 MLA Annotated Bibliography: Rhetorical Analysis; the Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Chopin, Kate. â€Å"The Story of an Hour, Kate Chopin, characters, setting. â€Å"KateChopinorg. Kate Chopin International Society. N.d. web. 20 Nov. 2014. This website is from the Author herself. There are many beneficially things from this website. 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