Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Nations Drug Problem Essay - 1607 Words

Nations Drug Problem (United States) Over the last couple of years, there has been increased concern over the effects of drugs on the health of Americans. This is mainly due to the increased use of drugs by most citizens, which has caused the government to spend a lot of money to curb this problem. One of the most abused drugs is alcohol, and American citizens are increasingly becoming addicted to it. It is also the most undesirable drug, as it costs the government over $200 billion in terms of productivity, health and crime-related costs (Office of National Drug Control Policy 2). Marijuana, which accounts for over $100 billion in costs, is the next most common drug after alcohol. Drug addiction is not only in adults, but also in†¦show more content†¦Cocaine use is however on the decline, mainly due to the legal frameworks established to curb its transit and sale. Heroin is also rarely used and the reason for the decline is the increased fight against illegal drug use by government agencies. With increased use, these two drugs cause serious addiction that takes time and money to control. Although marijuana is illegal in most states, the continuing debate aimed at making it legal causes the drug to increase in popularity and availability. Despite the fact that it is illegal, marijuana’s popularity has continued to increase. According to recent research by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), prescription drugs are also being misused (Brauser 1). Although the focus has been mainly on the illegal drugs, most citizens have continuously abused the prescription drugs. According to the report, there has been an increase in the opiate admissions from 8% to 33% in a span of ten years (Brauser 1). This is a very huge increase compared to the indulgence in other drugs and substances. One of the reasons cited as the possible explanation for the increased abuse of prescription drugs is ignorance. Most individuals have resorted into making their own judgments concerning illnesses and purchasing drugs without directions from medical practitioners. Making decisions about the drugs to take amid health conditions should be the work of the doctor. However, most individuals make assumptions andShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Tajikistan On The United States Of The Soviet Union1589 Words   |  7 Pagesin the nation’s economy. This war crippled the nation leaving Tajikistan very weak in the June of 1997 when the war finally drew to a close. This civil war weakened Tajikistan’s legitimate economy and left many people to â€Å"rely on the revenues of illicit opiate trade†. 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